Sabtu, 10 November 2012


Conflict derived from the verb configere, mean hitting. In sociology, conflict is as process of social between two or more people (or group), where one part want destroy or make it powerless another part. Background of conflict because difference of characteristic between individual in process of interaction. The difference is, physical characteristics, cleverness, knowledge, tradition, religion and many more. 

Then, what’s conflict of religion?. Conflict of religion is the conflict on the basis of difference in belief between one part to each other. Causes of conflict of religion in Indonesia by Hendropuspito are:

1. The difference in doctrine and mental attitude
2. The difference of ethnic and race
3. The cultural difference
4. The majority and minority of religion group

In our country, conflict of religion often happen, example, in ambon, poso, madura, cikeusik many more. In the world also conflict of religion often happens. There must be mutual tolerance between faiths and selfish between the parties must be less, because in the conflict there  a victim or killed

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